Monday, January 17, 2011

Brand Facebook Pages

I was struck by two things while completing the Facebook assignment this weekend. First, many firms seem to have developed quite sophisticated pages in the last couple of months. As I applied to many CPG companies in November and December, I spent a great deal of time looking at their social media savvy and was disappointed by many big brands that did not have a strong engagement with their fans on their pages. That seems to have changed drastically very recently - many pages now have new interactive content and there is clearly a brand manager or intern posting content and monitoring the conversation every day. The second thing that struck me, however, is that companies seem to be focusing, sometimes exclusively, on brands that target a young audience. For instance, among Church & Dwight's brands, Trojan has a very good page, but there is no firm-created content for Arm & Hammer or OxiClean. This is ignoring the fact that Facebook is no longer just a young person's platform, and that their largest growing demographic is people over 40.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if some of the youth over-focus is due to the people who are designing these strategies -- all young folks.
