Monday, January 17, 2011

Size of Social Gaming Market

I came across this link over the weekend and was floored by the projected size of the social gaming market.....$1BN in 2011.

What amazes me most is that while only 6% of social gamers purchase virtual goods, these gamers purchase $653 million of these goods, which is over 60% of the total gaming market size and is over 3x the size of the projected advertising spend on social games in 2012.

This consumer segment is definitely a potential target for brands, like the article says. I just wonder what the purchase behavior is for this 6% and whether they actually care enough about brands to buy their virtual goods vs whatever they're buying now.


  1. Fascinating. I feel that certain brands may be very appealing to this sector, but it would definitely be a niche group. I see great potential for an ethnographic study that would look into what triggers these buying habits and that would try to map the demographics and psychographics of these 6%. Independent study, anyone? (Not me, though - I'm already involved in one.)

  2. In case anyone is was wondering who newsworthy_editor is, it's me. I didn't realize that that was my profile name, and have now changed it to something a bit more practical. Mea culpa.
